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Mother, This Guide to Choosing Toys that are Safe for Children

Toys have an important role in stimulating children's growth and imagination, as well as training children to socialize. But did you know that not a few children have become sick or injured by their toys? Therefore, it is important to choose the right toys according to the child's age. According to one study, children who are used to playing with toys, such as building blocks or playing cars, have better physical, mental, and social health than children who only play with gadgets. The best toys for children are not always the expensive ones. In fact, there are many objects around the child that he can make toys, so parents do not have to buy them special toys. Wherever the toys come from, the most important thing is not to harm children.

Criteria for Safe Toys for Children

There are so many types of toys for children. Which one should you choose? At least choose toys that meet the following criteria:
  • For toys made of fabric, you should label it fire retardant.
  • Toys in the form of dolls, should be made of material that can be washed.
  • If the toy is painted, make sure the paint used is free of lead.
  • All materials for painting, such as paints and crayons, must be free of toxic materials.
  • Old or old toys from relatives or friends need to be checked whether they still meet current health and safety standards.
  • For toys that can sound, make sure the sound is not too loud. Remember, don't let your little one bring the toy to his ear, Mother.
In Indonesia, choosing SNI labeled children's toys is one of the easiest ways to get safe toys. Every toy labeled with SNI has at least gone through testing and received a Certificate of Product Use of Mark (SPPT) issued by the Product Certification Agency (LSPro). This is in accordance with Permenperind No. 24 / M-IND / PER / 4/2013 concerning Mandatory Enforcement of Indonesian National Standards (SNI) Toys.

Guide to Choosing Toys that are Safe for Children

Giving a toy is more or less the same as giving a playmate for the Little One. So, Mother must be careful, lest the object that is supposed to be entertaining actually endangers the child. When choosing toys for children, there are several things to note, namely:

1. Give the appropriate toys

Give toys that are suitable for your child's age, character, and passion. Mother must pay attention to the age limit label that is printed on the toy to be purchased, so that the Little One uses toys according to their ability level, and readiness in playing. Toys that are too complicated and over the age of the Little One will only make him frustrated or may even endanger him.

2. Read the instructions and accompany the Little One

Don't forget to read the instructions for using the toy first, and stay with your child while playing so he is safe. After playing, parents can teach children to store their toys well.

3. Check toys regularly

Mother needs to check your Little toys regularly to see if there is any damage, for example:
  • Sharp toy flakes or edges.
  • Rust or damage to bicycles and other toys used by Little outside. Protect the toy from being exposed to excessive rain or heat.
Immediately fix a broken toy, or just throw it away if it's already beyond repair.

4. Clean the toy regularly

When cleaning toys, make sure you first read the instructions on how to clean them. Generally toys can be washed with mild soap or antibacterial soap and hot water.

5. Remove dangerous objects

Be careful if there are small objects in the toy, such as beads or buttoned doll clothes, because of the risk of being swallowed. If necessary, remove these risk items from toys, including ribbons and ropes. Around the age of toddlers, choking is the most common accident when children play, because at the age of toddlers, children tend to like to put whatever objects they hold in their mouths.

6. Avoid giving electric toys

It's best to avoid giving toys that need to be electrically charged to children under 10 years without supervision, to avoid the risk of shock. The things above are also noteworthy when Mother gives toy gifts to other children. By choosing toys that are safe, Mother can also be more calm because Little One and his friends will avoid the risk while playing. It is no less important, even though the producers have written clear guidelines about the toys they make, the role of parents or adults is still important in assisting the Little One to play. Come on, start to be more selective in choosing safe toys for children.


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